Empowering Coaching-Therapy
Live in-person in Puerto Escondido
Online around the Globe
About Life, Coaching
and Alice
Art of Life Travel is a way of living
— What are you doing in life, Alice?

— I’m a coach-therapist.

— What type of coaching-therapy do you do?
— Well, it's difficult to say in one sentence to describe the way I work with people, however I will make it simple as a zen garden, so you can see what exactly matches you...
  • Transformational Holistic Master Coach, Mentor and Initiator, ACA (Akasha Coaching Alliance)
  • Professional Trainer of Coaching, ICTA (International Coach and Trainer Association)
  • The Art of Life Travel™ Therapist, ALTI
  • Time-Line Coach, ACA
  • Micro Expressions Expert, PEG (Paul Ekman Group)
  • NLP-Coach Master and Business Trainer, ICTA
  • Master of Enneagram, ICTA
  • Biologist, BS, PSU
  • Plant Medicine Empowering Guide of Amazon, Siberian and Mexican Traditions
Private Sessions
To transform, empower, heal and balance

Integration is a delicate process...
We all meet something unexpected and unknown on the path. And how to live with that is a big question.

  • You can re-integrate yourself in a new "you" to feel wholeness again, and after disintegration happened.
  • You can integrate something new in your "life structure", and only if you have enough empty space for that.
How to go through that process step by step, let's figure it out together on our sessions!

  • Yourself
  • Your Experience
  • Someone or something else to your life
  • Dualities and Polarities within


  • Healing imbalances and maintain a good health
  • Personal energy transformation
  • Balancing your energy
  • Activate the energy of your Vital Centers
  • Balancing energy in the Chakras System
  • Redistributing the stuck energy
  • Connecting with the empowering elements and sources

To know more and arrange your session:

In-person & Online

What are you looking for?
What are you leaving behind?
Is it hard to be grounded and free as the wind at the same time?

Nomadic life is a natural way of living since ancient times. We just forgot about it by being locked in cities and apartments. Traveling through space and time is always very attractive and scary at the same time...

Let's meet and see how we can make this path healthier for you, so it can nourish you in a way you really need...
For Couples

Don't need to wait until the relationship will not work anymore and you are living with your partner just because you have kids, shared business, house or credits...

Come to the Coaching for Couples not for closing relationships, nor as the last attempt therapy, but to learn how to:

  • Have a better communication
  • Know each other's needs
  • Listen to your partner
  • Ask what you really need
  • Speak from your heart and not from your past story
Come to improve what you have now, to enjoy your relationships day by day and looking forward.

For all types of couples.

Contact me to talk about your couple situation:
Healing & Empowering

It probably seems impossible, but...

  • Changing your past, you change your future
  • You in the future can intend yourself in the now
  • Intending yourself forward is your power as a human being

To heal past traumas you need all your guts to look at them again, clean and retrieve your energy. Let’s just do it, and they will not bother you any more.

For more clarity to see your path forward you need to cross the invisible line that separates your past from future. And the existential Time-Line is the way to do that in a gentle, healing and "ecological" way.

How It Works
And let me know your life situation
We will find a day and time for your first session
In-person or online, depends on where you are
Your First Session
Bring your life request to the session and allow yourself to see more...
Each session is 1,5 hour long
We will see forward together how to continue your inner work
And trust your personal power that leads you on your path
Empirical Groups
We are social animals who reflect each other through ones' own inner mirrors. How it's exactly happening?
And what happens if to stop this self-reflection?
For Everyone | Weekly

This group is a form of self care to receive support and rebalance your values.

This is the way of recognizing what's really important for you in life, in your profession, in your relationships... Because you are a part of the global community who wants to be awakened and functioning in another level of self-awareness.

The field of the group is a space to explore different ways of solving life and work issues; regulating emotions, sharing experiences, doubts and ideas.

Super-Vision circle helps to find answers for a lot of existential and practical questions connected with your inner guidance and leadership.

  • On Thursdays in-person | Puerto Escondido
  • On Fridays Online
For Everyone


  • Activate the energy of your Vital Centers
  • Balancing energy in the Chakras System
  • Redistributing the energy of the entire body
  • Connecting with the energy elements and sources


  • In-person in Puerto Escondido
  • At the Holistic Space
  • During the Nature Walk
  • At the Beach

Join Akasha Chat to know the upcoming practice agenda!

Groups Schedule
Time is in Central Standard Time CST | Mexico City and Puerto Escondido
Akasha Practice Group
In-person | Puerto Escondido
Meaningful Life
In-person | Puerto Escondido
Meaningful Life
Online | Zoom
Nature Walks
In-person | Puerto Escondido
Empowering Nature and Plants Therapy
You may spend years and years going to shrink your mindset, but there is something that elevates this process to another level and makes it smooth, accelerates it, freeing you from an inner pain.

It's an art of using plants and nature elements as the healing power and guide.

Working with plants for all my life, I will assist you to navigate through your personal healing process by using the wisdom of plants and nature.
Contact Alice Amber
Puerto Escondido,
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