meaningful life
super-vision circle


In-Person & Online

Led by Alice Amber


How is your work connected with your life?

Where are you going to?

What exactly do you want to change in your life, in this world?

Do you want a meaningful life?

How does your identity influence yourself, your family, your clients, your community?

You can come to the Meaningful Life Circle with anything you have inside of you:
  • To discover how you put meanings in to what you are doing
  • An interest to hear other perspectives
  • Frustrations, tensions, doubts
  • To understand how you deal with your feelings and energy in life and in the group field
  • To find out where, how and why you lose your freedom at work, in relationships, in life
  • To notice what you choose to say and not to say
  • To receive and give reflections and feedback
  • Or come without a specific agenda and just your curiosity to explore
We will focus on how you are connected with:
  • Your core values
  • Your professional vision and purpose
  • Theory, methodology, philosophy of your profession
  • Ethical principles
  • The perceptual differences between You - Your Client - Partner - Colleague etc.
We will explore how to:
  • Befriend your own emotions and states in uncomfortable life and work situations
  • Understand what you can and cannot do in your profession
  • Make use of theory and experience
  • Be supported by your community
  • Deal with the feeling of “I don’t know
  • Work with receiving and giving feedback, especially when we are afraid of negative feedback.
Join the group to navigate better in important questions such as:
  1. Who is responsible and for what in my professional field and life?
  2. What are my boundaries for responsibility?
  3. What are my creativity limits within my profession and how do they relate to my individual style of work?
  4. How can I be more inspired at my work and life so as to get to the next level?
1 meeting


Mondays In-Person

Wednesdays Online

2 hours long

See the exact schedule below
Group Schedule and Registration

In-Person and Online


Every Monday | 5:00-7:00 pm, CST

at the Holistic Space SATSANGA


250 mx - One Group Meeting

800 mx - Monthly Pass of 4 Meetings


Donation Based

*For those who needs a support to be a part of the circle

8 spots available only

You may join the group at any of the upcoming meetings!


Every Wednesdays | 2 hours starting at:

18:30 pm - CET, Europe
11:30 am - CST, Mexico
13:30 pm - EDT, USA


25 usd - One Group Meeting

80 usd - Monthly Pass of 4 Meetings


Donation Based

*For those who needs a support to be a part of the circle

8 spots available only

After the registration you will receive a meeting link

You may join the group at any of the upcoming meetings!

Our Circle based on
3 Approaches
To help you to clarify
the meaning of your life and stay on track
  • -1-
    Gestalt Therapy
    • The group becomes a small model and representation of your daily life.

    • Through this approach, you can be aware of what you feel and be able to share those feelings and emotions in a clear way.
  • -2-
    • Agile principles to develop and apply the power of intending yourself forward... to the "Self" you intend to be.

    • To see the bigger picture of your life and understand your life mission knowing that you need to go forward little by little.
  • -3-
    • We will explore how different strategies of human behavior are based on a deeper motivation.

    • To get a sense of direction for a life path with a meaningful day to day existence.


Supervision [when it's written together] is a form of self care for professionals, creators, and self-leaders to receive support and rebalance ones values.

// Supervision is the act of observing someone or something

from outside, such as a project, a person, an action, etc... //

It is a way of recognizing what's important for you in your life, profession and community of colleagues. Because you are a part of a global community that is leading humanity into awakening to its next level of awareness.

Super-Vision [when it's written with a dash] on the other hand is a way of seeing. It helps find answers to existential and practical questions, related to your inner guidance and leadership.

// Super-Vision is the ability to go beyond what you can ordinarily see by yourself //

This Group is an interactive hybrid.

It merges the following:

  • The classic supervision groups' approach and
  • The development of your own ability to open your awareness to see things beyond your habitual and routine perceptions.
Training yourself in super-vision is important. It helps you see beyond the first one glance of your perception and expand into multiple views.

Super-Vision Circle is a group dynamic and a way of seeing things through the perspective of a group field. It's a space to shift your state of perception in order to see more about yourself, your relationships, and other professionals alongside you. Its a space to see through reflections of a group how your identities drive your life.

It provides the opportunity to look at what you are doing from the outside - to expand your vision - to notice your blind spots and your power spots.

It's a Space for...
Supporting your life and professional identity
Recovering after difficult situations
Freedom to explore your reactions
Freedom to practice different identities and behavioral strategies
Stepping further into Self-Trust
Learning to trust that other participants can organize themselves and their feelings
Learning from each other
Seeing other ways of thinking, focusing and approaching
Led by Alice Amber
  • Professional Trainer of Coaching, ICTA
  • The Art of Life Travel™ Coach
  • Time-Line Coach, ACA
  • NLP-Coach Master, ICTA
  • Master of Enneagram, ICTA
  • Akasha Holistic Master, ACA
  • Plant Medicine Holistic Coach
  • 12 years of working with groups


A Group Field organizes itself autonomously with the facilitation of the group leader through:

  • Discussions
  • Interactive exercises
  • Looking deep into individual situations
  • Presentations
  • Inspirational tasks
  • Creative brain and heart storming
  • Group sharing

The process of discussing, sharing and experimenting during a group dynamic helps to FORMULATE MORE CLEAR VISION about:

  • Self as a professional;
  • Your entire life and professional Path;
  • What influences you in your work and life;
  • How the projections of a client, colleague, partner, co-leader etc. is influencing your life and the Supervision Group Field;
  • What you are trying to avoid in your life, work and at the supervision group as well, and why.

The field of the Circle is a space to explore different ways of solving life and work issues; regulating emotions, sharing experiences, doubts and ideas.

We go through life with many projections based on our interactions with clients, partners, colleagues, parents, etc. Those projections will definitely manifest in the group field as well. Through this work, you will be more aware how those projections are appearing in your daily life and how they are influencing your everyday interactions.

Keep in mind, when you receive or give a projection in the group field, this happens because there is something in you that needs to be worked out through this exchange.

For professionals
Independent projects' creators, Professionals in all fields, Leaders, Co-leaders, CEOs of an own business, Organizers.
All branches
The more varieties of professional branches and approaches we have at the group, the more efficient and interesting the process of the supervision group is going to be.
All levels are welcome!
Even if you are a beginner it’s a chance for you to step on the next level of your profession and a life path.
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